Loneliness in the Time of COVID-19

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, between 30 and 40 percent of older adults were already experiencing consequences of isolation and loneliness. It will be months, maybe years, before we understand the full effects of physical distancing on the general population. Mental health experts are already weighing the potential mental and emotional…

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Coronavirus Response: Want to Help?

Many neighbors and friends in our larger communities have asked how they can support older adults who are practicing social distancing in their homes or in our skilled nursing and assisted living communities. Our community teams are already implementing creative ways to engage residents one-on-one to prevent loneliness and keep…

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COVID-19 Update: Tips to Keep Older Adults Healthy

Older Adults at Greater Risk of Complications from COVID-19 Older adults, especially those over age 80, are at greater risk of becoming critically ill or dying from COVID-19. Their immune systems are more fragile than children and younger adults, making them more vulnerable to complications from seasonal flu and other…

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